Quality over quantity is your new way it seems. While not uploading that often anymore, your last 2 songs simply kicked ass! I much prefer this than everyday a new mediocre song like many others do. Keep up the amazing work.
I have been "writing" my songs prior to production alot more than I have before. I just replied to your comment saying that I typically try to produce the song as quick as possible so as not ot tinker to long. I think I've found a good middle ground of writing first then producing one of the songs on days depicting that "mood" best. Thanks for the reviews and comments Yomir! I'll be back hopefully sooner rather than later with some new stuff.
Quality over quantity is your new way it seems. While not uploading that often anymore, your last 2 songs simply kicked ass! I much prefer this than everyday a new mediocre song like many others do. Keep up the amazing work.
Tx-Maniac-xT (Updated )
I have been "writing" my songs prior to production alot more than I have before. I just replied to your comment saying that I typically try to produce the song as quick as possible so as not ot tinker to long. I think I've found a good middle ground of writing first then producing one of the songs on days depicting that "mood" best. Thanks for the reviews and comments Yomir! I'll be back hopefully sooner rather than later with some new stuff.